Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Well, next week is here and I'm trying REAL hard to come up with reasons to save the Kansas City Star. My wife says yes save the Star, where will she get the coupons & adds, how will we find out who died, who's divorcing and who not to vote for. Who not to vote for? Yep, who not to vote for.

Any candidate the Star endorses is suspect, I most likely will vote for the other guy or gal, (being political correct).

Maybe the Star leans a (little) too far left for most people that can read & think at the same time. In any case I'm still working on a plan for the Star's rise to its former self but getting past 2008's record of terminations or buy outs of something like 200 real people is hard to overcome. Speaking of correcting one's self; my wife reads the articles & comics too.

Billy Blogger

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kansas City Star,,,are you kidding me??? My parrot won't even deficate on it when I put it in his cage. Don't they understand you can only sell what people want to buy and in the Star's case it is not within their pages. Report honestly!

Big Horn


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