Thursday, April 16, 2009

Another Look at Kathleen Sebelius by Jack Cashill

by Jack Cashill
Published in
April 16, 2009
Calling it an “inadvertent omission”—a phrase that rings about as true in confirmation circles as “wardrobe malfunction”-- Democratic Health and Human Services nominee Kathleen Sebelius (at left) fessed up on Tuesday.
The Kansas governor conceded that through her PAC and her campaign, she has cashed not the reported $12,450 in checks from the nation’s most notorious late term abortionist, Dr. George Tiller, but some $40,000.
“Morrison” refers to Paul Morrison, a popular Johnson County District Attorney. With Tiller’s massive financial support at the ready, Sebelius had persuaded Morrison to switch parties and run as a Democrat against Kline.
The $40,000 Sebelius got from Tiller is pocket change compared to the money Sebelius helped finesse into the campaign against the heroic, hard charging Kline.
Tiller would eventually put up an estimated $1.2 million to successfully unseat Kline, almost all of it through various PACs and cut-outs.

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