Thursday, August 20, 2009

Link to Video of Lawrence KS demonstration & anti-demonstrations

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Supporters of health care reform voice concerns outside Moore’s Lawrence office

Health care reform gets noisy with honk and wave protest
August 18, 2009

Lawrence residents on both sides of the health care reform issue lined the streets outside Dennis Moore's office to participate in a "honk and wave" protest. People voiced their opinions on the issue during the event "They're misrepresenting how many Americans are without health care and why they don't have health care," said Richard Fry, a member of the citizen advocacy group November Patriots. "They shouldn't be able to impose those things among the citizens."
Both sides are just hoping their arguments are heard.


There is an unconfirmed report from a reliable source who was in Lawrence Tuesday that one of the anti Obama Health Care demonstrators was accosted, pushed, shoved and his sign knocked to the ground by a supporter of Congressman Dennis Moore. Apparently had operatives in the crowd says the Lawrence Journal.


1 comment:

Dog said...

The liberals are forgetting two things, how are we going to pay for this, 2 Why are our elected officials exempt from this health care. They should be the first to sign up for it if it's so good.

The Dems are bussing in ACORN,Moveon and some union thugs on our taxpayer money.
This government is out of control and ramming this socialist policy down our throats. I support HR 615 putting our elected officials on the same insurance they are so quick to push on us.

Why are liberals taking everything on Obama's word it pays to ask questions. Did you buy your house,Car, Life insurance with out asking questions or just sign on the dotted line like now.


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