Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Minuteman Civil Defense Corps HQ is dissolving we learned in an email this morning from Carmen Mercer, President of MCDC.

The local chapters are apparently on their own; we in the Heart of America Chapter (Kansas City) is still plugging along and will try and unite with other chapters and other Minuteman organizations if that’s what our members want.

In an email to Carmen Mercer President of MCDC this morning I said (in part):

Carmen - I for one intend to continue our efforts here in Kansas City.  I understand the decision to dissolve MCDC National but the local chapters in my opinion do not need the high dollar donations that national seems to.
Minutemen locally have walked picket lines in both Kansas and Missouri, we have gone to Topeka and Jefferson City to lobby and demonstrate, we have written thousands of emails and letters to news outlets, politicians and almost anyone we thought could help the cause.

Members and former members have been to the border to watch and report. Some have trained for search and rescue along the southern border but those days appear to be over.

100 years from now the ‘cause’ may be the same as now, illegal immigration. After the politics of late have been written in the history books it’s still the borders that will need defending and the proven way is to finish the fence.

We lost our leadership here in Kansas City six months ago, that move out of our chapter had nothing to do with MCDC HQ pulling the plug today. In my opinion money not coming in and a change of policy for our activities along the border just did not sit well with some members.  Not all the news today is negative, ACORN says they too are closing down I hear.

My new mantra; “FINISH THE FENCE” 



Anonymous said...

Well, it was only a matter of time. Carmen drove the org into this years ago.

How about becomming part of MCCI now?

Anonymous said...

What's MCCI?


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