Tuesday, February 24, 2009

ACORN Is A Bad Seed

ACORN members rally to stop foreclosures and recover the economy at ACORN's Legislative and Political Conference in Washington, D.C. Feb.

Kansas HB 2077
Voter ID This bill requires voters to show a valid photo ID that contains their name, photograph and signature before voting. A voter who does not have an ID could sign an affidavit, subject to perjury and felony, and still vote. It would be implemented in 2012 allowing for one voting cycle for voter education. Advance voting is not addressed. An amendment offered on the floor (changing the affidavit to requiring the person to cast a provisional vote) resulted in the bill being returned to the committee. A more restrictive bill was passed last year but vetoed by the (Liberal) Governor.
The League of Women Voters opposed the bill. They contend that there is no evidence of voter fraud and that putting additional requirements on voters for such a “problem,” discourages voting when we need to be encouraging voter participation.


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