Sunday, May 10, 2009

Kansas City Star E-Front Page

I always look forward to Sunday mornings; do some chores, fix coffee and head to the end of the driveway to get the paper.
The Kansas City Star is having problems like most newspapers, readership is down as is advertising; the Star’s management feels the need to raise prices and downsize the product. My take is the Star needs reduce the price not increase it and try something new, anything (almost anything that is).
As I approached the paper near the street I was disappointed (again) at the size lying there in it’s plastic wrapper. I pour my coffee, sit down and pick up the front section; an hour and a half later I finish, not the entire paper mind you just section ‘A’. Has the Star changed management? Nope, just several excellent well researched and written pieces and in particular a slap at one of their untouchables.
U.S. Rep. Emanuel Cleaver Likes Earmarks
The Kansas City Star
Surely somebody someplace remembers 1st Lt. Robert C. Johnston.
Is there anyone?

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