Thursday, August 5, 2010

KC Star Columnist Admits The Fence Works!

Our dear MARY SANCHEZ of The Kansas City Star wrote "Arizona’s immigration issues developed largely after crackdowns near San Diego pushed border crossings further east"

San Diego has the fence extending into the Pacific Ocean.  Thank you MARY for confirming the wisdom of our fence.
We need a better system to reform immigration

The Kansas City Star
Fierce partisans on both sides of the immigration debate would do well to take a breather.

>snip< Here’s another reason we need to think carefully and come up with a comprehensive solution: Immigration policies and enforcement measures have a way of solving one problem while causing another. Arizona’s immigration issues developed largely after crackdowns near San Diego pushed border crossings further east. One result: The morgue in Tucson is full of dead migrants as the summer’s heat peaks.

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