Saturday, August 30, 2008

Missouri's Illegal Immigration Law Is Now In Affect

Jefferson City, MO - infoZine - The legislation sets into law policies proposed to crack down on illegal immigration - prohibiting illegals from obtaining driver licenses - prohibits the creation of sanctuary cities in the state - requires verification of legal employment status of every public employee - allows for cancellation of state contracts for contractors if they hire illegal immigrants - requires public agencies to verify the legal status of applicants before providing welfare benefits - criminalizes the transportation of illegal immigrants for exploitive purposes - enacts provisions to punish bad acting employers who hire illegal immigrants - requires verification of lawful presence for every individual presented for incarceration.

The Missouri Housing Development Commission (MHDC) has adopted a stringent workforce eligibility policy including sanctions of up to a lifetime ban of contractors and developers who knowingly employ illegal immigrants in violation of federal law.

Friday, August 29, 2008

If you have to ask who this is you're not paying attention to Kansas politics.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

American Legion Called Liars

Legionnaires' Disease
American Legion Pushes Nativist Falsehoods

By Sonia Scherr

Now, America's largest veterans organization has launched another campaign — a hard-line attack on undocumented immigrants that's at odds with the legion's mainstream image. As part of this effort, the legion, which purports to speak for 2.7 million members, recently issued a booklet that regurgitates discredited and often completely false information about how "illegals" are bringing crime, disease, and terrorism to this country, even as they wreck the economy for natives.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Immigrant Raid Largest in U.S. History

LAUREL, Miss. — The largest single-workplace immigration raid in U.S. history has caused panic among Hispanic families in this small southern Mississippi town, where federal agents rounded up nearly 600 plant workers suspected of being in the country illegally.
One worker caught in Monday's sweep at the Howard Industries transformer plant said fellow workers applauded as immigrants were taken into custody.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Link to: Minutemen claim softer side

Members of the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps gather for a briefing before an operation Friday. During the meeting, the leader went over procedures, reinforcing the goals: observe, record and report. Another aim: “Offer humanitarian help when we can,” the state director says.

For several years, the Minutemen have gathered at spots like this one, on a private ranch near the border, to “observe, record and report” illegal immigrants, or as the Minutemen call them, illegal aliens, or IA for short.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Illegal alien going to Georgetown University


Just a year ago, Killian High star grad Juan Gomez barely avoided a forcible return to his native Colombia, a country he scarcely knows, when classmates, civic leaders and members of Congress rallied to help him stave off deportation.

(This is the type of story that I debated with myself on posting. My bottom line: Did an American citizen lose a place at Georgetown University? How much money has this cost U.S. taxpayers already.)

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Major immigration law firm under federal scrutiny

WASHINGTON (AP) — The nation's largest immigration law firm is under federal scrutiny over whether it helped major U.S. corporations disqualify American job applicants and give thousands of high-paying positions to immigrants.

Jose Cabrera Sablan, and James Ninete Leon Guerrero, stabbed to death Jose Rivera

Alien Inmates Indicted for the Murder of Federal Correctional Officer By Jim Kouri Tuesday, August 19, 2008
A federal grand jury returned a three-count indictment charging Jose Cabrera Sablan, 43, and James Ninete Leon Guerrero, 40, with first degree murder, first degree murder of a federal Correctional Officer and murder by a federal prisoner serving a life sentence, US Attorney McGregor W. Scott announced on Friday.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Texas Needs Your Help!


Even when they are finished, next year, there will be numerous gaps that will need to be watched. The National Guard have left OUR border to guard the borders of other countries (Iraq & Afghanistan). If you are not convinced about the dire need for our volunteers to come to Texas in October, watch this YouTube video, a report by KRGVof Weslaco, Texas. View this shocking report from the Rio Grande.

Join the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps just follow this link, print the application fill it out & with your membership check, mail it. Link to MCDC Application

Monday, August 18, 2008

$57M San Diego border fence

SAN DIEGO - Scrapers and bulldozers began filling a deep canyon Friday to make way for a border fence in the southwestern corner of the United States after 12 years of planning, environmental reviews and legal challenges.

The 3 1/2-mile stretch extends from a state park on an oceanfront cliff through a canyon known as Smuggler's Gulch.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Jean Carnahan on US energy policy

Normally I avoid attacking an individual’s character but in this case I’ll make an exception. You may disagree that it’s a character issue and are free to express your opinion right here in the comments section.
The Kansas City Star chooses to run a letter today from a Missouri political hack that is currently in the United State Senate. Senator Jean Carnahan wrote; “Jean Carnahan on US energy policy” page B-10 that in my opinion is one of the most inane, pieces of (former) party rhetoric published by a local politician. I say ‘former’ party rhetoric because she’s about a week behind her own parties times.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Felons Ask President Bush for Pardons

No Bush Pardon For Ramos- Campean:

Ramos-Compean Ineligible to Apply for Clemency.
Convicted Drug Smuggler Shot by Ramos and Compean Gets 9½ Years in Federal Prison
Osvaldo Aldrete Davila, who was shot in the buttocks while fleeing from an abandoned marijuana load in 2005, was sentenced to 9½ years in prison for his role in other smuggling efforts months after he was shot.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Come On In

Last night the 'cowardly' Topeka Kansas City Council apparently voted 8-1 to reject eVerify and tell the illegal aliens to;
Please visit the link above "Come On In" to see a report from the ABC affiliate in Topeka

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Fences Make Unhappy Naighbors

Minuteman Border Fence Keeps AZ Border Secure
Stunning new video from the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps Operations shows how a completed fence and citizen patrols coupled with the U.S. Border Patrol are stopping Illegal Aliens and Drug Traffic in Arizona.
Against endless waves of open border lobbying, and a constant barrage of nay-saying criticism and media distortions, the Minutemen simply continue on their mission—to secure the border of these United States. We will not be distracted, and we will not be dissuaded. While the alliance of critics devote all their time and resources seeking to destroy U.S. security and erase our border, Minuteman Civil Defense Corps volunteers stand strong in the gap to fortify, build, increase and improve border security for our country.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Hispanic Population Grows In Kansas City

John Pepitone, FOX 4 News
The Hispanic population around Kansas City is growing four times faster than the overall growth of the metro area, according to new estimates from the census bureau.

Just last month, El Centro opened a new center in Olathe to help provide education, rent and utility subsidies and health care to the booming Hispanic population in Johnson County.

Comprehensive Immigration Reform: Not needed

Comprehensive Immigration Reform: Not needed The audience at the recent National Council of La Raza's National Convention in San Diego cheered as Presidential hopefuls Obama and McCain each promised passage of comprehensive immigration reform.

Link to Local News

Area Hispanic population rising, Census Bureau saysBy MATT CAMPBELLThe Kansas City StarThe overall population of the six-county metropolitan area grew a little more than 1 percent in a year while the Hispanic population grew four times that fast.
Demographic estimates released Thursday by the Census Bureau reflect a trend that has been apparent for several years.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Texas executes Heliberto Chi

The Associated Press
An illegal immigrant from Honduras who claimed his treaty rights were violated when he was arrested for a robbery-murder near Dallas was executed Thursday evening.
"God forgive them, receive my spirit," Heliberto Chi said in English. In Spanish, he told a friend watching through a window that he loved him and appreciated his hard work. He appeared to be whispering a prayer in Spanish with a tear at the corner of his right eye as the lethal drugs began to take effect.
Chi was pronounced dead nine minutes later at 6:25 p.m. CDT.
He murdered his former boss, Armand Paliotta, during a 2001 robbery at an Arlington men's clothing store where Chi had once worked. An employee was wounded trying to run away and another hid among clothing racks and called 911 for help.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Could these be the Mexican soldiers in question? Who knows for sure?

Mexican army invades U.S

© 2008 WorldNetDaily
Mexican army soldiers invaded U.S. territory and held a member of the U.S. Border Patrol at gunpoint, according to a report from the union representing the guards.
"Unfortunately, this sort of behavior by Mexican military personnel has been going on for years," a statement from Local 2544 of the National Border Patrol Council said.

Stand by for actual photo of Mexican Army Troops holding American! Should be loaded this evening. (Blogger)

Thursday, August 7, 2008

The Leawood Kansas picket

As most of you know we did nearly a week of pickets at 95th & Lee Blvd in Leawood Kansas near the campaign headquarters of Lawyer/Senator John Vratil. During this time our volunteers received a huge amount of verbal abuse from passersby both in vehicles as well as on foot.
For the rest of the letter from Ed Hayes to the volunteers follow the link above.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

August 5, 2008 is primary day for Kansas & Missouri and 1730 hours the voting is almost over. MCDCKC volunteers were on picket duty for the last few days at 95th & Lee Blvd., Leawood Kansas in an attempt to offer our opinion regarding illegal immigration and state legislators that helped gut SB 458 into an immigration bill that better resembled something written by La Rasa to pacify the Kansas Gringos.

Pictured are: Frances Semler, Gary Curby & Ed Hayes


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