Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Court's Eye View

Illegal aliens are costing "YOU" a fortune!
If it's happening in Overland Park Kansas it happening in your city too!

On June 22nd an attorney who happens to be a Minuteman volunteer was in the Overland Park Kansas Municipal Court on ‘arraignment day’ with our volunteer’s client.
Please follow the link above:"The Court's Eye View" for a Minuteman's close encounter with illegal aliens in our courts. Overland Park residents if you think the city is expending just $40,000 for translators, think again folks. Link to: Identity theft detective has seen the crime evolve

Today Kansas City area American home owner posted signs in Spanish (sub-titled in English) warning the Spanish speaking lawn service hired this summer by a neighbor to keep off.

According to the home owner, an attempt to communicate with the workers regarding the destruction of his property twice (lawn) was not understood. When the ground is wet, it’s not a good idea to spin wheels of the mowers ripping out strips grass & digging trenches.

This morning in the Kansas City Star on page 2A were two stories regarding an illegal alien and another on 19 former Brazil residents alleged bird-fighting operation involving finches and canaries?

MIAMI A hospital that sent a seriously brain-injured illegal immigrant back to Guatemala — over the objections of his family and legal guardian — did not act unreasonably, a jury found Monday. >snip< Martin Memorial put Jimenez on a $30,000 charter flight home on July 10, 2003. Please follow this link to Miami hospital story.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Link to the Kansas City Star

Two days ago in Overland Park at the offices of 3rd District Congressman Dennis Moore of Kansas a petition with something like 1000 signatures was delivered. During that process a peaceful demonstration broke out with approximately 100 citizens participating.

“The petition asked (in part) to support HR 1207: “The bill proposes a reformed audit of the Federal Reserve System (the "Fed") before the end of 2010. The bill has 276 cosponsors, and has been referred to the Committee on Financial Services. Its Senate version is called the Federal Reserve Sunshine Act of 2009 (S. 604), and it has 19 cosponsors. A related bill uses the same two names in reverse order”.

Click On Photo To Enlarge

Of the 276 cosponsors of this bill, Dennis Moore was not one.

(Thanks To Reporter & Photographer Roger I)

Friday, July 24, 2009

Link to: San Diego News

NEAR CAMPO, Calif. -- An investigation was under way Friday morning into the fatal shooting of a U.S. Border Patrol agent in Campo, near the Mexican border.
The shooting was reported about 9:15 p.m. Thursday on Shockey Truck Trail southeast of the San Diego Sheriff Department's Campo substation, according to the Sheriff's Department.
With the murder of a Border Patrol Officer near the Campo Minutemen California yesterday the article that was being written on the future of our organization becomes mute.
The premise was the fence is (in the future) complete and the ‘watching and reporting’ of suspicious persons along our southwest border by Minutemen is no longer needed.
We would have finished the story with a definite yes!
This link will take you to what had been written before the Hayes resignation side tracked the article. Included are the notes and links.

Also to the best of my knowledge there has been no other resignations.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

More Resignations Expected

Ed Hayes Director of the Heart of America Chapter of the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps announced in an email to membership that he was stepping down.
Hayes further stated (in part) "If you were at the last MCDC meeting at Creekside you were probably aware that this was coming. Read my resignation from the MCDC management team and you will know why if you did not already. I feel strongly enough about this to step back and simply be a volunteer and I may not do that."
>>>More Tomorrow<<<

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Wanted For Manslaughter of an American Citizen!

Our victim’s sister Lea Ann heard this week from police; they’re unable to get a federal warrant because Manslaughter dose not fit the criteria. More information to follow.
On October 27, 2007 this man Cesar Saenz (illegal alien) is accused and warrants issued for MURDER by MOTOR VEHICLE of an American citizen!

The warrants for Saenz’s arrest were issued by Jackson County Missouri for 19 year old Cesar Saenz (In 2007) was 5’8” tall weighing 165 pounds with black hair & brown eyes. Cesar Saenz could be anywhere in the United States or Mexico.
If you are a law enforcement officer please think back on Spanish speaking subjects you have come in contact with or may have in custody under another name.
If you have seen this man, please call Missouri authorities at (816) 474- TIPS (816-474-8477) Or if you do not want to talk to the police contact me at: bill@mcdckc.com

A dash camera video from an emergency vehicle that assisting at that location with an auto accident earlier recorded the gruesome death of good Samaritan Jerry Smith who was helping police direct traffic. We elected not to include the video.

(Jerry Smith left behind two children)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Jack Cashill

What a great time Minutemen & guests had last night with Jack Cashill as guest speaker. Cashill spoke about the content of his new book "What's Wrong With California", how he acquired the information and back stories. In the question & answer period Jack fielded a number of questions, the most compelling for me was the shoot down of TWA Flight 800 shortly after take off from New York in 1996, compelling, compelling & compelling.
Thank You Very Much Mr. Cashill
Billy Blogger

Our monthly meeting is set for this evening (Thursday), 7:00 PM, come at 6 and join your fellow patriots with dinner.

Our scheduled guest speaker is Jack Cashill.

This meeting will be at the regular location, Creekside Pub and Grill located at 9916 Holmes Rd., Kansas City, MO.
In the last decade, writer and producer Jack Cashill has had six of his books published, five of those non-fiction, three of those best-sellers. The paperback edition of his most recent book, What’s The Matter With California by Simon & Schuster, is now in the bookstores.
Just a few of Jack Cashill's books, videos & other publications can be found at our web page.
Cashill is a frequent guest on the Rusty Humphrey Show on KCMO radio and from time to time fills in for Chris Sigall again on 710 KCMO radio.
Jack is one of those rare guests that all the radio talk show host has to do is ask a question of Cashill and then stand back.
Minutemen; if you miss this monthly gathering, you'll have missed a rare oprotunity.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Dear Mary Sanchez of the Kansas City Star,
My intent this morning was to take you and your ‘commentary’ from today’s paper on. Too many other things of less import came my way, sometime one’s time, energy and other factors beyond our control slip up on you; I just didn’t get it done.
Dear Mary, I may have a thought or two after all.
Although I usually don’t write without fact checking I’ll have to this evening. Come to think of why should I, you apparently don’t.
“Those databases are riddled with too many errors.”
> Yes there are errors, for example, a woman marries and forgets to let Social Security know of her name change.
“But the Senate wasn’t about to be seen as so coddling of illegal folks.”
> Illegal folk? Who’s talking about illegal aliens? I thought you were for all workers? Sorry, that was not too bright of me was it?
Mary It's 9:00 PM and you win this one, I’m just too tired tonight; maybe someone else in some in some other blog has taken you on today. I hope La Raza is proud of you.

Billy Blogger
The Kansas City Star
For a moment last week, it looked as if a bit of sanity might be restored to federal policy on illegal immigration. The Obama administration announced plans to discontinue a Bush-era rule that sought to force employers to fire workers whose Social Security numbers didn’t match records in federal databases. The reason for the reversal? Those databases are riddled with too many errors.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Why are feds quiet on ID fraud?
By Jean - Alipac Administrator
July 11, 2009
The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) has produced a “backgrounder” in which it accuses the Social Security Administration and Internal Revenue Service of aiding and abetting illegal aliens who engage in theft identity to provide social security numbers to employers.
“Both turn a blind eye to massive Social Security number (SSN) fraud and take no action to stop it,” the paper alleges. “The Social Security Administration assigns SSNs to new-born infants that are being used illegally. The IRS demands that victims pay taxes on wages earned by illegal aliens using their stolen SSNs, while taking no action to stop the identity theft.”
Since, children do not use their SSNs for employment or to obtain credit, parents generally do not check their children’s credit histories, allowing a person using a child’s SSN to go undetected for years. Sometimes document vendors sell fraudulent identity packages using unassigned SSNs that are later assigned to a child, causing them problems before they are even born.
The federal E-Verify program, now mandated in only 14 states, can detect this fraud, CIS contends. Mandatory use of E-Verify would curb this and stop virtually 100 percent of child identity theft.
Speaking of E-Verify, last week the Senate took a few steps in the right direction toward closing America’s borders to illegals. Now the proposals will head to Nancy Pelosi’s open border House for either death or declawing. The already passed House bill, H.R. 2892, includes neither measure.
Now that you've read the above, do something for your self, the children in your life and ultimately our country. Check their & your credit report; it's cumbersome setting up but well worth the effort.

◦Equifax: 1-800-525-6285; www.equifax.com
◦Experian: 1-888-397-3742; www.experian.com
◦TransUnion: 1-800-680-7289; www.transunion.com

Friday, July 10, 2009

Welcome to the City of Kearney Missouri

Don't Forget Tomorrow!

The Heart Of America Minuteman Civil Defense Corps will be co-hosting along with the citizens of Kearney Missouri a Tea Party rally Saturday July 11th starting at 11AM. The location is at Lion Park on 33 highway behind the Kearney Police station downtown. There will be many Patriot speakers at this event and anyone that wishes to speak will be allowed to do so, here's your chance to have your say in "Taking back America"!

This rally is shaping up to be the biggest gathering of Minutemen since the national convention in February 2007.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


By Roy Beck,
Published for Thursday,
July 9, 2009, 3:05 PM

After several defeated efforts, Sen. Sessions (R-Ala.) finally won over a majority of his colleagues this morning. They agreed with him that illegal aliens should not get jobs created with federal tax dollars.
In March, the Sessions E-Verify amendment was killed by tabling in a 50-47 vote.
But this morning, the tabling motion failed 44-53. (The amendment then passed on voice vote.)
12 Democrats and 1 Independent defied Party leadership and voted with all 40 Republicans to:
E-Verify won today because these Senators -- who voted to kill the E-Verify mandate in March switched today and voted for using E-Verify to keep illegal aliens out of federal contractor jobs.

•Kent Conrad (D-N.D.)
•Bryan Dorgan (D-N.D.)
•Mary Landrieu (D-La.)
•Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.)
•Blanche Lincoln (D-Ark.)
•Mark Pryor (D-Ark.)
•John Rockefeller (D-W.Va.)
All of you who live in those states -- especially North Dakota and Arkansas -- take a bow. Thanks for all you have done to help these Senators see the error of their March vote.

>And Then<

A "Yes" vote for the amendment supports the completion of 700 miles of fencing along the southwest border.
Voted YES : 54

Alexander (TN)
Barrasso (WY)
Baucus (MT)
Bayh (IN)
Bennett (UT)
Bond (MO)
Boxer (CA)
Brownback (KS)
Bunning (KY)
Burr (NC)
Chambliss (GA)
Coburn (OK)
Conrad (ND)
Corker (TN)
Cornyn (TX)
Crapo (ID)
DeMint (SC)
Dorgan (ND)
Enzi (WY)
Feinstein (CA)
Graham (SC)
Grassley (IA)
Gregg (NH)
Hatch (UT)
Hutchinson (TX)
Inhofe (OK)
Isakson (GA)
Johanns (NE)
Klobuchar (MN)
Kyl (AZ)
Landrieu (LA)
Lincoln (AR)
McCain (AZ)
McCaskill (MO)
McConnell (KY)
Merkley (OR)
Nelson, Ben (NE)
Nelson, Bill (FL)
Pryor (AR)
Risch (ID)
Roberts (KS)
Rockefeller (WV)
Schumer (NY)
Sessions (AL)
Shelby (AL)
Snowe (ME)
Specter (PA)
Stabenow (MI)
Tester (MT)
Thune (SD)
Vitter (LA)
Webb (VA)
Wicker (MS)
Wyden (OR)

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

"Minutemen's 15 minutes are going into overtime"

Thank you Mary Sanchez for you column published in the The Kansas City Star this morning regarding Shawna Forde accused in the murder of two in Arizona.
I think it was P.T. Barnum that said “I don't care what they say about me as long as my name is spelled right”. Okay maybe, there’s not 100% agreement in what is attributed to Barnum in this instance but once again Mary Sanchez tried to link an honest God fearing group of volunteers to a despicable crime.
If you choose to hop on the Sanchez’s train then your next stop is blaming law enforcement as well as the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps and other like minded groups with these murders since one of the alleged conspirators (Todd Hezlitt) may have gone to the Pima County Sheriff's Deputy Training academy? If this (Hezlett) is the same, he “didn't make the cut, according to the PCSD”.

Mary, people know you; they know you’re bent in a knot trying to discredit the volunteers of Minutemen and advancing La Raza & my guess ACORN as well.

Billy Blogger
(Thanks Frances)
The Minuteman Pledge
(In case you’re interested)

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Independence Day yesterday brought close to 500 people together exercising their right to assemble & protest our federal governments policy’s in Kansas City Missouri and across the street (State Line Road) in Leawood Kansas.

Speakers such as Darla Jaye (live talk) 980 Radio and several just plain folk which included a Minuteman volunteer expressed their individual displeasure in which the country is being led.

The ‘National Anthem’ & ‘Proud to be an American’ was sung by 16 year old Ashtyn Hutchings of Overland Park KS.

Friday, July 3, 2009

132nd and State Line Road - 0900 July 4th, 2009

Fellow Patriots!
Tomorrow morning (Saturday) 132nd & State Line Road, Leawood KS/Kansas City MO, be among local celebrities & just plain people, OH, and me, I'll be there.

July 4th: An American Celebration
Leawood, Kansas
Saturday, July 4, 2009

Demonstrate your love for your country with a flag demonstration on Stateline Rd from 125th to 135th St. This will be both sides of state line.

Raleigh 'sewer creature' surprises city officials

By: Tyler Dukes,

Ed Buchan, environmental coordinator at the Raleigh Public Utilities Department, said staff biologists have confirmed that the "creature" is actually a colony of tubifex worms. The colonies attach themselves to roots that gradually work themselves into weak points in the pipes.
"They seem to respond to the light from the camera," Buchan said. "That light is pretty hot."
The worms naturally occur in sewage and pond sediment and are actually sold both live and dried as fish food in pet stores.

(I think I'd rather have ET in the Raleigh Sewers)
My thanks to another Billy in Topeka

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Okay, where’s the entrepreneurs out there get with the program. I’d love to wear one to some of our local establishments and see what happens.
I’m thinking:
McDonald’s – Almost any lawn service company – Home Depot etc.
(Thanks Don T.)

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I believe this video is from a (1959) film based on the career of Red Nichols & the Five Penny's featuring Louie (Satcchmo) Armstrong and portraying Danny Kaye as Red Nichols.

If you haven't heard of Danny Kaye then you must be very, very young and apparently missed a unique individual. Kaye died in 1987 at about 74 years of age. If you care to research a 1955 film called "The Court Jester" and then try and find his famous "pellet with the poison" speech, it's a hoot.
(Thanks to Billie N. in Indiana)


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