Saturday, May 31, 2008


My web site will be coming to an end, as well as my Senate seat, January 1, 2009.

900 Criminal Aliens

More than 900 criminal aliens, immigration fugitives, and immigration violators have been removed from the United States or are facing deportation following a three-week enforcement surge by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Fugitive Operations Teams in California.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

E-Verify (Why Not)

E-Verify is free and voluntary and is the best means available for determining employment eligibility of new hires and the validity of their Social Security Numbers.

Sebelius speaks out about Legislative session

Governor Kathleen Sebelius released the following statement on the end of the 2007-2008 Session:
“Today, the Speaker of the House chose to block the opportunity to advance significant economic development legislation before he adjourned the House. With 96 members present, the Speaker and his Republican members voted not to consider passing bills which had already passed both Chambers and that I was committed to sign into law.
“S Sub for HB 2037 would have removed the barriers for manufacturing companies to expand in Kansas and SB 693 advanced the Gardner Intermodal Facility, a significant new transportation project. Both bills needed approval of only 63 members of the
House to be sent to me for my signature.
“Instead of encouraging a vote on these two important measures, which had been bundled with the coal plant bill before the adjournment of the regular session, the Speaker told members there was no need to be present. When well more than the necessary 63 legislators came to Topeka, the Speaker led the efforts to prevent the votes from occurring, in spite of the good work of the Shawnee County delegation and various members of the Johnson County delegation to advance these important measures.
“It is also unfortunate that the Kansas Chamber of Commerce and Industry, who was part of the coalition to promote the coal legislation, was not insistent that these measures be considered on their own merit before the legislature adjourned. Despite knowing that two previous vetoes had been sustained, the Chamber agreed to a strategy to include key economic development legislation in a package with the coal bill, which they knew was likely to be vetoed. Even though there was an opportunity to pass the stand- alone legislation today, neither the Chamber, Republican leaders or legislators worked for a successful outcome.
“It is unfortunate that Kansas business owners, their employees and the state’s economy will be the victims of this legislative decision made on the final day of the 2008 legislative session.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Numbers USA

Some 380,000 children are born in the United States each year to illegal-alien mothers, according to U.S. Census data.

Trouble at the border? I had no idea!

In another case of politicians not having a clue what''s really going on in this country, an interesting exchange took place in Washington this week. Three Democrat legislators spoke to reporters about what they claim is "anti-immigrant coverage" by conservative media outlets. Apparently, they think floods of illegal aliens crossing into America and the crime and violence at the border are just overblown incidents developed by conservatives to attack our neighbor to the South.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Freedom Is Never Free


Sunday, May 25, 2008

Kansas Senate Bill 458

The Kansas SB 458, introduced by Senator Peggy Palmer, was originally crafted to deter illegal immigration into Kansas. Oklahoma, Colorado and Missouri have passed similar legislation, leaving many Kansans concerned that their state will become a magnet for illegal immigrants.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Prison for Iowa Illegal Aliens

270 Illegal Immigrants Sent to Prison in Federal Push - Illegal aliens arrested in an Iowa raid faced tough criminal charges instead of rapid deportation, signaling a sharp escalation in a Bush administration crackdown.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Limbaugh & Lou Dobbs Spur Latino Hate Says Obama

Friday, May 23, 2008 8:19 AM
By: Newsmax Staff

Presidential candidate Barack Obama used a Florida fundraiser to attack conservative media personalities Lou Dobbs and Rush Limbaugh for their militant stand on immigration policy.
Appearing Thursday at the Westin Diplomat near Fort Lauderdale, Obama lashed out at critics of illegal immigrants and migrant workers.

During his speech, Obama said, "A certain segment has basically been feeding a kind of xenophobia. There’s a reason why hate crimes against Hispanic people doubled last year.”
Who is behind the rise in hate crimes?

Obama left no doubt who he believes to be the culprits. “If you have people like Lou Dobbs and Rush Limbaugh ginning things up, it’s not surprising that would happen,” he told the crowd.
According to press reports, Obama collected more than $500,000 from some 800 donors at the event.

© 2008 Newsmax. All rights reserved.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

The governor vetoed them all

By Kris Kobach

For months, the Kansas Republican Party has been criticizing the Governor’s lack of leadership; and the people are listening.

The people of Kansas are realizing that the Governor has been spending little time in Kansas. When the state needed leadership, she was AWOL--gallivanting around the country to further her radical liberal agenda and advance her national political ambitions as a cheerleader for Barack Obama.

Meanwhile, the Republican-led legislature has been working hard to pass legislation that would provide much needed jobs for western Kansas. The Republican-led legislatures also passed a bill to prevent voter fraud by requiring photo identification at the polls, and passed another bill to ensure that the state’s existing restrictions on late-term abortions are enforced.

All three bills enjoyed wide popular support in Kansas and passed with large majorities in the legislature. Yet, the governor vetoed them all.

Now, with her liberal friends from Washington in tow, she has turned her sights on the November elections. In addition to auditioning for a place in an Obama Administration, she is raising money and support to send more liberal, tax-and-spend Democrats to the Kansas Legislature.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

New ICE Detention Centers

Immigration agency plans new family detention centers
Critics say detaining families is punitive and unnecessary.

The federal government is accepting bids for up to three new family detention centers that would house as many as 600 men, women and children fighting deportation cases.

Family detention has been condemned by human rights groups and immigrant rights organizations as punitive and unnecessary. "Family detention has had the desired impact," ICE spokeswoman Kelly Nantel said. There are currently two family facilities -- a former nursing home in Pennsylvania and a former prison in Texas. New facilities would allow the government more flexibility and enable the agency to keep families together, Nantel said. Because there is no family facility nearby, the women and children are being housed in a private shelter.

The American Civil Liberties Union criticized the proposed plan to open new family detention centers.

"There are other ways to deter illegal immigration without imprisoning children," he said. The facilities would house up to 200 people each, about 150 juveniles and 50 adults. The company already runs several immigration detention centers, including Hutto.

If new facilities are built, Nantel said the agency would consider transferring the families out of Hutto and using it as an adult immigration detention center.

Given the national security goals of the Department of Homeland Security, advocates said they are skeptical about future family centers.

Monday, May 19, 2008

DePaul University uses Dirty Tricks to Stop Chris Simcox Speech

Chris Simcox
Minuteman Civil Defense Corps
Demonstrations Against Simcox - May 20, 2008

ALERT – Illegal alien – ALERT – Illegal alien

Governor's Veto Message for HB 2019


We have a rich history and tradition in Kansas of working to increase citizen participation in our democracy.

HB 2019 seeks to solve a problem of voter fraud which does not exist in our state due to the tireless efforts of our local election officials.

The needless, additional identification requirements of HB 2019 will only work to disenfranchise many of the electorate and serve as a barrier to their participation in the democratic process. Therefore, pursuant to Article 2, Section 14 of the Kansas Constitution, I veto House Bill 2019.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Hyphenated Americans

"There is no room in this country for hyphenated Americanism. ...The one absolutely certain way of bringing this nation to ruin, of preventing all possibility of its continuing to be a nation at all, would be to permit it to become a tangle of squabbling nationalities."
Teddy Roosevelt (Address to Knights of Columbus, Oct. 12, 1915)
"For an American citizen to vote as a German-American, an Irish-American, or an English-American, is to be a traitor to American institutions; and those hyphenated Americans who terrorize American politicians by threats of the foreign vote are engaged in treason to the American Republic." -- Theodore Roosevelt, 1915.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

ICE - Raids Iowa Meat Packers - Hundreds Detained

ID fraud claims bring state's largest raid Read Comments(47)
The largest workplace raid in Iowa history Monday resulted in the arrest of more than 300 people and reignited the debate over immigration.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Improvements Will Focus on Decreasing Mismatch Rates for Naturalized Citizens

E-Verify aimed at decreasing the mismatch rate for naturalized citizens.

Starting today, the E-Verify system will include naturalization data, which will help instantly confirm the citizenship status of naturalized U.S. citizens hired by E-Verify employers. USCIS also plans to initiate citizenship status records information sharing with SSA to further help prevent tentative nonconfirmations from occurring. The Web-based system allows participating employers to electronically verify the employment eligibility of newly-hired employees. USCIS operates the program in partnership with SSA.


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