Friday, December 26, 2008

Lawmaker pledges to fight voucher attempt
The Associated Press

Lawmaker pledges to fight voucher attempt. A former Springfield educator now serving in the Missouri House says she'll fight any attempt by the GOP-controlled legislature to set up a school vouchers program.
Democrat Sara Lampe of Springfield says she won't let her minority party status get in the way of seeking more money for various education initiatives, or working against a vouchers push. She has already pre-filed 11 bills for the 2009 legislative session, which begins Jan. 7.
Lampe, who once ran programs at the Phelps Center for the Gifted, said she'll seek more funding for gifted students and children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder.
Lampe's top priorities include passing a law mandating gifted and talented education be offered at all Missouri schools, recognizing autism as a disability and giving state employees a pay raise using the federal Consumer Price Index.
Don't let the 'Passion' words suck you in; "gifted, autism" and my personal favorite "education initiatives", just words that mean, don't look at our history with the education of your children just keep paying us for showing up with no accountabilty to the parents.
Billy Blogger, a goverment school almini.

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