Sunday, March 1, 2009

A Link To Saturday's Rally

(Borrowed Photo)

Since Billy Blogger (that's me) FAILED to attend the Claire McCaskeel non-support rally on Kansas City's Country Club Plaza Saturday morning in 4" of snow, I wanted to give credit to some of those that did and then marched to Senator Claire McCaskill's office.


“Tea Party” Rally and March to Senator McCaskill’s Office in Kansas City

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Her true colors have came out, she is nothing more than a mouthpiece for Obama. She stated if the stimulus had any pork or earmarks she wouldn't sign it. She didn't even read or know what was in it and sold us out again. She needs to be voted out like a bunch of her liberal tax spenders buddies. they love spending other peoples money and all fun and games till the money runs out.


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