Sunday, June 6, 2010

Immigration law supporters rally at Ariz. Capitol

Immigration law supporters rally at Ariz. Capitol

PHOENIX — Hundreds of people supporting Arizona's new law cracking down on illegal immigration rallied near the state Capitol on Saturday afternoon in soaring temperatures.

Hundreds of motorcycle riders kicked off the downtown Phoenix rally by riding in a procession around the Capitol. Supporters waved American flags and some carried signs that read "What part of illegal don't they understand?"

>snip< Demonstrators on Saturday sweated as temperatures reached 105 degrees. Some shaded themselves with umbrellas and clamored to buy cold water and ice cream from vendors.

"For them to come here when it's over 100 degrees and stand in the heat — it's awesome," said 32-year-old Stephanie Colbert of Glendale.

Colbert, who works in a restaurant, said those who disagree with the law and boycott Arizona are misguided because they hurt the immigrant community they aim to support.
"The hospitality industry has a very large population of immigrants, legal and illegal," she said. "It's those people's jobs that are in jeopardy."

>snip< The law, which goes into effect July 29, will also make it a state crime to be in the country illegally or to impede traffic while hiring day laborers, regardless of the worker's immigration status. It would become a crime for illegal immigrants to solicit work.

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