Thursday, May 22, 2008

The governor vetoed them all

By Kris Kobach

For months, the Kansas Republican Party has been criticizing the Governor’s lack of leadership; and the people are listening.

The people of Kansas are realizing that the Governor has been spending little time in Kansas. When the state needed leadership, she was AWOL--gallivanting around the country to further her radical liberal agenda and advance her national political ambitions as a cheerleader for Barack Obama.

Meanwhile, the Republican-led legislature has been working hard to pass legislation that would provide much needed jobs for western Kansas. The Republican-led legislatures also passed a bill to prevent voter fraud by requiring photo identification at the polls, and passed another bill to ensure that the state’s existing restrictions on late-term abortions are enforced.

All three bills enjoyed wide popular support in Kansas and passed with large majorities in the legislature. Yet, the governor vetoed them all.

Now, with her liberal friends from Washington in tow, she has turned her sights on the November elections. In addition to auditioning for a place in an Obama Administration, she is raising money and support to send more liberal, tax-and-spend Democrats to the Kansas Legislature.


Anonymous said...

With the Memorial weekend Americans are honoring our fallen Armed forces while remembering thier loved ones. Our great Governor just slapped ever Veteran and American in the face by Vetoing the Photo Id to vote act. Millions have died protecting our rights and protecting our Ballot Boxes.
Voter fraud is fraud and we have to protect the right to free and honest elections. If you want to vote it is your duty to prove you have the right to vote. Protect the most sacred thing we have the ballot box and our Governor invites fraud by her action.

Anonymous said...

I think Anonymos said it best,The Ballot Box should be protected and Our Governor should apologize to every American for her actions. Freedom has a price and showing a photo Id is just a small price to pay.


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