Monday, December 28, 2009

Two men: One a Liberal, the other a Conservative:

Two men: One a Liberal, the other a Conservative: I’ve know these two men for years, both are friends of each other and mine. In order of appearance: The Conservative, a United States Navy Veteran (Sub-Mariner), the Liberal, a United States Marine veteran (Vietnam).

MB the Conservative, sent an email to our little group of friends that stated:


Well, boys and girls, today we are letting the fox guard the henhouse...
Tomorrow, the wolves will be herding the sheep

Obama Appoints two 'Devout Muslims' to homeland security posts. Doesn't this make you feel safer already?

Obama and Janet Napolitano Appoint Arif Alikhan, a devout Muslim as Assistant Secretary for Policy Development Source announcement: Homeland Security Press Room.

The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) is proud to announce that the DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano swore-in Kareem Shora, a devout Muslim, who was born in Damascus, Syria as ADC National Executive Director as a member of the Homeland Security Advisory Council (HSAC).

Excuse me, but has anyone ever heard a new government official being identified as a "devout Catholic, Jew or Protestant."..?  Just wondering... Doesn't this make you feel safer already??  "Devout Muslims" being appointed to critical Homeland Security positions... That should make our homeland much safer, huh?

Wasn't it men of the "Devout Muslim Faith" that flew airplanes into some U.S. buildings not too long ago? yeah, I thought so

What IS this president thinking? This announcement was made on Aug 20, 2009. Why are we just now hearing about it???”

RT, the Liberal responded with:

Sent: Tuesday, December 22, 2009 1:17 PM
Subject: Re: Obama Appoints

6 million Muslims in the U.S. 1 Muslim shooter at Fort Hood
Do the math.
Timothy McVeigh, a Christian veteran of the U.S. Army, killed 168 Americans. Do you hyperventilate about Christian veterans?
And the business about "devout" Muslims came not from DHS or the White House, but from the "Atlas Shrugged" blog. As far as I can tell that blog is devoted to angering or scaring right wingers.
In my opinion we need MORE Muslims in government, including Homeland Security, just like at one time we needed more Irish, Jews, Catholics and Baptists. Do I need to remind anybody that patriotic Americans come in all shapes, sizes, religions and ethnic backgrounds?

MB, responded to RT with:

Sent: Tuesday, December 22, 2009 11:32 PM
Subject: Re: Obama Appoints

You are kidding, right? Saying McVeigh is a Christian is like saying Billy Graham is an athiest.
So where were these Muslims back in 1776? Why did it take all these years for Muslims to decide they want to be here now? I don't remember anything in my history classes in grade school or high school about Muslims settling and shaping USA. How did they come to be patriotic Americans? By knocking skyscrapers out of the sky? Making their women folk walk behind the men with their faces covered? By yelling "Death to all Americans"? Yeah, that sounds like a patriotic American.
I don't get your math. Is that like 6 million Jews in Poland and one crazy dictator in Germany?
I guess what I don't understand is why anyone who is so unhappy with the country they came from decides to come to America and immediately tries to make it like the country they came from. Where's the logic? Unless they lied and they are here to take over our "free" country to enslave us.
Seems to me we need more bloggers scaring all-wingers. Terrorist don't seem to be getting everybody's attention. Nothing more than another so-called news item.

Haven’t heard from RT since. Still friends all and BTW, my comments have been excluded. BB

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