Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Doing the Impossible, Minutemen Say, "We're Not Gonna Stop"!

The Supreme Court spoke loud and clear confirming two years of Minuteman efforts and donations by clearing the way for Border Fencing on the U.S. Mexico. Justices declined without comment to hear a petition from 14 Democrats with the open border lobby in Congress and a group of law professors hiding behind environmental issues submitted by Defenders of Wildlife and the Sierra Club. The ruling allows the Department of Homeland Security to continue border fence construction.
The Fences built by the Minutemen have been a driving force compelling the federal government to act, and the ranchers along the border in Arizona say it well, "The government wasn't doing anything until the Minutemen showed up." Minutemen must continue to keep the pressure on and make the federal government actually "BUILD IT"—talk is cheap, and a complete fence along the entire border is needed.

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