Monday, October 13, 2008

Document requirement may boost illegal alien motorists

Copyright 2008 Houston Chronicle Oct. 9, 2008
A little-noticed administrative change preventing illegal immigrants from obtaining a Texas driver's license has upset immigrant groups, lawmakers and Hispanic activists, who predict it will boost the number of unlicensed and uninsured drivers on Texas roads. Others fear it will boost a robust black market trade in counterfeit documents.
The Texas Department of Public Safety is already enforcing the new rule in Houston, which requires noncitizens to prove they are in the country legally before they are issued a new license, renew an existing one or apply for a state identification card.
"It's a bad idea," said Rick Dovalina, a Houston attorney and past national president of the League of United Latin American Citizens. "If you look at it strictly as a public policy, the undocumented should be issued a driver license because they would be able to drive legally, and buy insurance, and protect other people in case they have an accident."

Click Link above for the rest of the story.


Anonymous said...

The attorney said it would be a bad idea, well hell they broke so many laws does that make sense. No and when they are caught driving they should be sent to jail for deportation. No action is just going to make things worse. Illegal is illegal and giving drivers license is breaking our laws. Enforce our immigration laws and jail the people that hire them

Anonymous said...

Just as you can buy insurance when you visit mexico can you not buy insurance to visit here in the USA?
This is just a reflection of the attitude that these illegals have for our laws and another excuse not to abide by them.


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