Monday, January 12, 2009

Even those pesky squirrels are allowed in our back yard, not that they can be stopped; maybe I should have said they are welcome but not on top of the bird feeders. We will throw out leftovers that are favorite squirrel food on occasion and water year round for all our urban critters.

HOWEVER, up the post they may not go! I’ve attached a wire to the squirrel disinfrontagator (positive) and then connected it to a length of wire attached to plastic insulators running up and around the post. Another wire (negative) attached to a ground post and again up & around the post a couple of inches from the positive wire. The critters whom the seed is not intended, raccoons, squirrels, possums etc. get a small jolt when they attempt to scale the post. By touching both wires at the same time is enough for the biggest of these backyard residents to depart the post and not try again.
These Stealth Cam photos of birds (below) captured lots of sparrows & a pair of Cardinals along with something you may not have seen before; in the first photo is a blur coming in for a landing at the sunflower seed feeder, the second is a dove feeding and the third is the dove departing. We have never seen dove feeding anywhere except the ground, these photos prove they do.

Billy Blogger

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