Friday, January 16, 2009

Kansas City mayor keeps budget proposal under wraps

Mayor Mark Funkhouser of Kansas City received the city manager’s budget proposal Thursday but refused to release it despite legal advice that it is a public record.

Although the document is not yet public, Kansas City police officials raised fears Thursday that they may have to lay off about 200 employees to meet a proposed cut of about $12 million to their funding. The city funds much of the police department’s costs, but the department is a state agency, so the city manager does not have direct control over how it manages its finances.
Police officials said the layoffs, which would include officers, would be a first in decades and possibly in department history. They said they had been told by the city about the budget recommendation earlier in the week.


Click on the full story from the Kansas City Star above but if you haven't seen the previous few days of posts regarding the police department stationing full time officers in an area that is habitually used by illegal aliens to acquire 'day' jobs AND apparently assisting the aliens, you might want to do that.

Billy Blogger

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope they realize who paying them and the taxpayers are getting tired of paying for illegals. Schools, Health care,Jails and many other social benefits are going broke spending on illegals. Are we going to support Legal Workers or illegals, time to crack down on illegals and Companies that hire them/\. Who are we going to feed and house with the economy going south.


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