Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Obama Eliminates Funds For INCARCERATION Of Illegal Aliens

President Obama is picking a fight with California and other states over funding for the costs of imprisoning illegal immigrants, while dodging a battle with the National Rifle Association and its allies over a sensitive gun control issue.
The budget plan Obama released Thursday would zero out the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program, under which states got $400 million in the current fiscal year to cover the costs of housing convicts and pre-trial detainees who are illegally in the U.S >Thanks Roger<

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We wonder why our social services and Medicare are going broke but Obama wants open border for all the free loaders. Maybe he should look at all the illegal babies being born and drawing benefits for the next 30 years with nothing to add to the funds. Change you can count on and we don't need him or his Socialism in my opinion


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