Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Jack Cashill

What a great time Minutemen & guests had last night with Jack Cashill as guest speaker. Cashill spoke about the content of his new book "What's Wrong With California", how he acquired the information and back stories. In the question & answer period Jack fielded a number of questions, the most compelling for me was the shoot down of TWA Flight 800 shortly after take off from New York in 1996, compelling, compelling & compelling.
Thank You Very Much Mr. Cashill
Billy Blogger

Our monthly meeting is set for this evening (Thursday), 7:00 PM, come at 6 and join your fellow patriots with dinner.

Our scheduled guest speaker is Jack Cashill.

This meeting will be at the regular location, Creekside Pub and Grill located at 9916 Holmes Rd., Kansas City, MO.
In the last decade, writer and producer Jack Cashill has had six of his books published, five of those non-fiction, three of those best-sellers. The paperback edition of his most recent book, What’s The Matter With California by Simon & Schuster, is now in the bookstores.
Just a few of Jack Cashill's books, videos & other publications can be found at our web page.
Cashill is a frequent guest on the Rusty Humphrey Show on KCMO radio and from time to time fills in for Chris Sigall again on 710 KCMO radio.
Jack is one of those rare guests that all the radio talk show host has to do is ask a question of Cashill and then stand back.
Minutemen; if you miss this monthly gathering, you'll have missed a rare oprotunity.

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