Tuesday, July 7, 2009

"Minutemen's 15 minutes are going into overtime"

Thank you Mary Sanchez for you column published in the The Kansas City Star this morning regarding Shawna Forde accused in the murder of two in Arizona.
I think it was P.T. Barnum that said “I don't care what they say about me as long as my name is spelled right”. Okay maybe, there’s not 100% agreement in what is attributed to Barnum in this instance but once again Mary Sanchez tried to link an honest God fearing group of volunteers to a despicable crime.
If you choose to hop on the Sanchez’s train then your next stop is blaming law enforcement as well as the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps and other like minded groups with these murders since one of the alleged conspirators (Todd Hezlitt) may have gone to the Pima County Sheriff's Deputy Training academy? If this (Hezlett) is the same, he “didn't make the cut, according to the PCSD”.

Mary, people know you; they know you’re bent in a knot trying to discredit the volunteers of Minutemen and advancing La Raza & my guess ACORN as well.

Billy Blogger
(Thanks Frances)
The Minuteman Pledge
(In case you’re interested)


Anonymous said...

Todd Hezlitt didn't like PCSD after being involved with the academy. He left and returned to his military career. He was never a member of Shawna Forde's organization or other organizations. He is a local guide in Tucson. And they may have used his picture on the film and website but altered what he had said. I suggest Sanchez to investigate her facts. Todd Hezlitt is a fine Marine. To suggest anything other than is un-american. Like Sean Hannity says many times though, " Terrorists are coming across." So some of what Hezlitt says is true.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Anonymous for the heads up.

Sempir Fi!


Legal Beagle Paralegal PLLC said...

Isn't it funny how all those associated with supporting the constitution and protecting our great land find themselves being labelled molesters or rapists or in fact dead. Hmmm. Its a long list. If these people knew this prior , they would have never done or do what they do or did. Why try to defend a nation that doesn't want to be defended.


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