Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Dear Mary Sanchez of the Kansas City Star,
My intent this morning was to take you and your ‘commentary’ from today’s paper on. Too many other things of less import came my way, sometime one’s time, energy and other factors beyond our control slip up on you; I just didn’t get it done.
Dear Mary, I may have a thought or two after all.
Although I usually don’t write without fact checking I’ll have to this evening. Come to think of why should I, you apparently don’t.
“Those databases are riddled with too many errors.”
> Yes there are errors, for example, a woman marries and forgets to let Social Security know of her name change.
“But the Senate wasn’t about to be seen as so coddling of illegal folks.”
> Illegal folk? Who’s talking about illegal aliens? I thought you were for all workers? Sorry, that was not too bright of me was it?
Mary It's 9:00 PM and you win this one, I’m just too tired tonight; maybe someone else in some in some other blog has taken you on today. I hope La Raza is proud of you.

Billy Blogger
The Kansas City Star
For a moment last week, it looked as if a bit of sanity might be restored to federal policy on illegal immigration. The Obama administration announced plans to discontinue a Bush-era rule that sought to force employers to fire workers whose Social Security numbers didn’t match records in federal databases. The reason for the reversal? Those databases are riddled with too many errors.

1 comment:

Dog said...

Mary is working for rag paper the Kansas Red Star paper what can you expect. La Raza at it's best and this bimbo just repeats what she hears from them. Move South Mary they would run you out of Mexico. The job security at the Star is looking bad and we wonder why, left wing liberals at their best.


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