Monday, November 23, 2009

DAMN! RACKIN FRAT! *^$)! @*& ~* + ^#)=$! I wanted to defeat him straight (↑) up!

Dennis Moore, dog gone you! I wanted to defeat you in a straight up (↑) election. You have done eruptible harm with your votes and yes I know there were other Liberal Congressmen & women involved but in my opinion you may be an exception.

Let me use as an example a little group of friends I have breakfast with a couple times a month.

I recall when in 1998 Dennis Moore (former Republican turned Democrat) ((Sorry Billy apparently was wrong)) ran against first term Congressman Vince Smowberger’s (R) seat, almost all of them with a few exceptions voted against Snowberger, at least that’s what was said. Since then this little group of friends have voted not necessary for Moore but against the Republican pro-life candidates each time. Things apparently have changed for some in this little group.

President Obama said recently (can’t remember to whom) if there were nothing more he could do then no second term run would be in the cards for him (my words).  YEA RIGHT!

Dennis Moore in my opinion continued winning because the 3rd district kept casting votes against the Republican not for Moore. I hope Mr. Moore is not ill, he’s been looking poorly lately and again I wanted to defeat him, not watch him jump (↓) too late a sinking ship.


1 comment:

Dog said...

If its true that he is not running in 2010 great news, I won't miss him. Pelosi's lap Dog and not representing his constituents seems to be the point he was making. Just to bad we have to pay for his retirement and he won't be on the same Health care he tried to put us on. Dennis I hope the door hits you in the butt on the way out the door.


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